Svøbt i mår ('Wrapped in marten')

Flemming Lundgreen-Nielsen og Hanne Ruus (red.): Svøbt i mår: Dansk folkevisekultur 1550-1700, bd. 1-4, København: C.A. Reitzels Forlag, 1999-2002.

The publication Svøbt i mår ('Wrapped in marten') consists of four volumes:

Volume I (1999): The first volume is focused on the oldest ballad manuscripts and the cultural tradition, including the culture of nobility.

Volume II (2000): The second volume provides examinations of nobility’s residence and analyses of the ballad genres, i.e. love poems, jocular ballads, and tribute poems.

Volume III (2001): The third volume gives knowledge of the noble way of life and also the language and style of the ballads. The CD-ROM containing the texts from the 9 oldest ballad books was published together with this volume of the publication. 

Volume IV (2002): The fourth volume contains a description of the self-perception in the period. The description is – among other issues – based on examinations of the younger ballad books, including the oldest printed editions and publishers.